Arthur IngramBeing seen for evaluation of dyspneaShortness of Breath
Harry JanofskyHand numbness and blurred visionBlurred Vision
Sarah JenningsIn E.R. with wheezing and difficulty breathingDyspnea
Mary JohnsEvaluation of puffy hands and pain in hands, ankles, and elbowsJoint Pain
Dale JohnsonBeing seen for evaluation of numbness in feet and legsNumbness & Tingling
Bobby JonesComplaining of chest pain, fatigue and weaknessEmergency
Pamela KayePresents with vaginal dischargeVaginal Discharge
Darrin LancasterIn E.R. with shortness of breathShortness of Breath
Tom McCaskeyEvaluation of coughCough
Jack MorganBlood in stool for last 4 weeksRectal Bleeding
Dott NormanEvaluation of headachesHeadache
Anna OlmsteadPresents with severe headachesHeadache